1 min read

Plexos Group is partnering with the City of Galveston, Texas, to maximize mitigation funding for projects that boost community and infrastructure resilience to natural disasters.
Plexos supports Galveston at both the pre-and post-funding stages, first helping the city apply for and secure Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funding from the Texas General Land Office (Texas GLO) Statewide Mitigation Competition program. Plexos is helping the city administer those funds compliantly for the South Shore Drainage project which aims to boost the capacity of the city’s existing storm drainage system and reduce the future risk of major property damage from flooding.
Once the drainage project is complete, the pump station will have the capacity to effectively control rainwater in a 25-year storm to keep water within the right of way and maintain an open traffic lane for emergency vehicles during a 100-year storm event.
Plexos Group supports SLTT governments across the country in managing federal funding programs including the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, FEMA, HUD, and other funding programs as well as implementing large-scale, complex infrastructure projects made possible through public and private funding.
Contact Us to learn more about how we can help your organization maximize federal funding programs, limit risk, maintain compliance with federal laws, and leverage Projexis™ technology to expedite your next project.